Science Bowl
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Science Bowl

Science Bowl grand prize winners will represent the Chapter in the national competitions, which are held in conjunction with the annual NOBCChE conference.  The 2007 conference will be held in Orlando, Florida, April 4-6, 2007.  Schools sending a science bowl winner must be in good financial standing with the Gulf Coast Chapter to compete at national.  The local chapter will pay for the airfare, hotel, and ground transportation for the students as follows:


q       First Place Senior Division Science Bowl Team (4 team members)

q       First Place Junior Division Science Bowl Team (4 team members)


There is not a national competition for the Elementary Division.


A coach/chaperon from the winning school(s) must accompany their student(s) to the national competition.  The school must pay the travel expenses for a coach/chaperon.  Second and third place science bowl winners may enter the national competition at the school or parents’ expense.

Rules & Guidelines Grades 7-12

Registration Form

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